AudioSlicer is a Cocoa GUI application for Mac OS X that finds all silences in an audio file and allows you to split it into several smaller audio files and to name/tag them properly.
For now only MP3 is supported but other audio formats may be added in the future.
While most other tools doing this split automatically according to certain criteria, AudioSlicer shows you all silences within a certain range of duration. You can then listen to the silence - well, to the audio before and after the silence really - and then you decide if you want to split there.
The splitting is done without loss, there is no decoding and re-encoding of audio data taking place.
System Requirements
AudioSlicer 1.1 is compatible with Mac OS X 10.3 and above, and supports natively both PowerPC and Intel Macs.
Mac OS X 10.3 is the minimum system required. The latest OS version available from Apple is recommended.
Download now - it's free
Download AudioSlicer-1.1.1.dmg (900 kB)
This is the recommended version for all users. - AudioSlicer User Guide as PDF (included in AudioSlicer 1.1)
Download AudioSlicer-1.0.3.dmg (1.9 MB)
This version only remains here in case you experience problems with 1.1 and need to stay with the old one. - Source code package is available from the SourceForge project page
Just download the disk image, mount it, and copy AudioSlicer wherever you like to have it (for example to /Applications).
AudioSlicer is copyright © 2004-2007 by Bernd Heller. It is licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL).
In layman terms this means you can download, copy, redirstribute, and use it in whatever way you like.
Changes in version 1.1.1
- Fixed a bug which caused AudioSlicer to crash if no ID3 tag was found in the mp3 file
Changes in version 1.1
- Universal binary (works now on Intel Macs)
- Recoded silence analyzer to run optimally multi-threadd on multi-core machines
- Reengineered build process of required libraries to happen automatically in Xcode
- Added a link to open the new manual pdf from the help menu
- Switched from id3lib to taglib for unicode support (chinese and other wide-char languages are fine now)
- Several minor bugfixes
Changes in version 1.0.3
- Fixed a bug which caused AudioSlicer to hang on 10.4 at abortion of audio play
Changes in version 1.0.2
- Fixed a bug which caused the first 1-2 seconds of the first slice to be dropped. This doesn't fix saved files, so you have to re-analyze them to make this fix work for them.
Contact and Feedback
You can contact me by email at bdheller@users.sourceforge.net
Peter Watkins, who wrote the beautiful manual can be contacted at watkipet@gmail.com
I really appreciate user feedback. Regrettably I'm not able to answer all emails, so please know that I thank you for it even if I don't reply. I'm sorry for this, but support is THE most time consuming part of software development and I can't always bring up the time needed for it.
However, AudioSlicer IS open source, so if you want to join develpoment or just volunteer for doing support for others, you are most welcome. I'll be happy to have company in the project.
This project's homepage at sourceforge.net is http://sourceforge.net/projects/audioslicer/
You will find there discussion forums, the bug tracking system, the feature and support request tracking system, and the downloadable source package for this project.